5:34 PM

Love Is Spelled T.I.M.E. (Message for a Seeker)

Dear One,

first of all, I have to tell you, thank you! - Thank you for being interested in My will for you.

It's something that in this day and age I cannot take for granted, since most people seem to be primarily interested in what they want, not what I might want from them, so I'm always very happy for someone to make an exception to that.

There are certain ways in which people can find out what is My will for them, and there is a whole number of them, including this method of direct revelation via prophecy.

I have promised, "Ask and ye shall receive," and you have asked, so you shall receive.

The primary way to find My will is laid down in My Word, the written Word, the most subsantial and fundamental part of which you will find in that disputed Book, the Bible.

So many things have been written and said in the last century to make the Bible look like a Book that has been tampered with, falsified, and misused by the churches, but I can promise you that if you really want to know Me, My will for you, and My voice, then that's the best place to start.

In the Bible you will find the basics of what I want from mankind, some of which you may have already heard: when somebody came and asked Me, "What is the most important commandment?" I told him, "'Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God with all thine heart, all thy might,and all thy soul,' this is the greatest commandment, And the second is like unto it: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' In these two commandments hang all the laws, and the prophets"(Mt. 22:37-40).

Basically, you could say, the gist of what I want from all mankind could be wrapped up in these three words: "Thou shalt love!"

Now, I know it's not all that easy. First of all, most people have difficulties loving an invisible God, and wonder, "How can I love Someone with all my heart and might that I haven't even seen?" And that is precisely why you must allow Me to do one thing first, before you can learn to obey that great commandment of Mine: You must allow Me to love you first.

Once you do that, and allow Me to fill you with My love, then you find it also much easier to love Me back. "But how can I let You love me, Lord?" you might ask now.

Well, once again, probably the simplest and easiest way, as well as the first step apart from the physical ways by which I show My love to you - namely by the way I supply your needs, from every breath of air to every drop of water on down to the little things you desire - is My Words. People sometimes underestimate My Words, because they know from their experience with other people's words, that sometimes they are true, and sometimes they are not.

Politicians make promises they break as soon as they're elected, and many people say they're going to do things they wind up not doing at all. But you must know that I am not like that. Every Word I have ever spoken is true, and not only that, but My Words have creative power. By My Words I have created the world and the entire universe.

So, if you think of My Words, I don't want you to think of them in the terms that you relate to human words, which can sometimes be quite empty and worthless, but I would like to convince you of this one thing, that My Word is better than money. Kind David of old said that My Words were better and more valuable than heaps of gold and silver.

Probably you have heard of the economic crisis. Well, things like that can't happen to you if you put your faith and you invest your life into the one solid currency that will never ever fail: My Word.

Another thing I told the people who listened to Me preach during My time on earth concerning God's will for them was: "And this is the will of My father, that you would believe Him Whom He has sent." In other words, along with My great commandment of loving Me and your neighbor, one requirement is to believe Me. If you believe Me and believe the things I say, you will do well.

If you come to think of it, all the evil that happened in the world since the beginning of history happened because the first two people, Adam and Eve (which is not a fairy-tale, by the way - can you believe that?) made the mistake not to believe Me, but they chose to believe the Devil instead. Lots of people do that.

And if you wonder now how come I was already around in Eden when I was only born thousands of years later, you will simply have to believe Me for that, too, just as My disciples had to believe Me when I told them, "Before Abraham was, I am." - Before Adam and Eve were, I am, because I am the Great I Am Who created all things, because I am the Beginning of the Creation of God, and the Father chose to create all things by Me, His living Word, His Word that was destined to be made flesh from before the beginning of time...

I know, this is a little more complicated and theological than what you might have liked to hear from Me, but these are just some basics you need to understand if you want to get to know Me better.

You would probably prefer to hear something more specific about what I would like you to do for Me, but I'm afraid you're a little bit like the wealthy young man who came running to Me and said, "Good Master, what good must I do to inherit eternal life?" So I told him to keep some of the basic commandments.... "Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, etc." So, he said, "Well, I have kept these all my life." And so I said, "Well, if you really want to have a treasure in Heaven, go, sell all that you have, give it to the poor, and come, follow Me." And he went away sad, because he had too much to give away...

Don't worry. This doesn't mean I'm asking you to sell everything that you have. But I am telling you that if you want to know My will for you, and what I want from you, you're going to have to go the same way all of My believers and disciples (= followers of My teachings) have had to go: You have to go through the way of My Word, and learn, like a baby, to drink in that milk of My Word, and grow from it and allow your faith to grow from it.

You see, the rich young man who came to see Me, he wanted some short-cut, a special clue on how he could get to Heaven before everyone else. But all I was able to tell him was, "Well, if you really want a treasure in Heaven, then you will have to do the same as My disciples did: forsake all they had and follow Me."

Nowadays I'm already happy if people are willing to forsake a little bit of their precious time to Me each day.

You see, one way to spell love in this day and age is T.I.M.E.

If you want to show love to someone, you're going to have to spend time with them, otherwise they're scarcely going to believe that you love them.

So, if you want to keep My great commandment and learn to love Me by allowing Me to love you first, the way to do it is to spend time with Me. You're going to have to invest some of that precious stuff you're given in your relationship with Me. Are you willing to do that?

Well, obviously you are doing it already to some extent, but I'm just telling you that the more time you will spend with Me and in My Word, the closer you will grow to Me, and the better you will get to know Me, and before long, you are going to be able to hear My voice like this.

In fact, if you have the faith, you can hear it right now.

I could speak to you directly, without having to use anybody else to do it, if you just have the faith.

In order to have that faith, you've got to know that I promised this gift of the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks Me for it, and you've got to believe those promises, and believe that I am more willing to keep them and fulfill them for you than you are ready to believe.

How much do you want My gifts? All you need to do is let some of your other things go in order to make more room and time in your life for Me and them, and once you do that, we're going to come into your life with full power. It just takes that little (or sometimes not so little) sacrifice of time.

It's also like one other secret I have laid down in My Word (you see all the wonderful things one can discover in the Bible?): "If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him" (John 14:23). In other words, if you keep My Words in you, then My Papa will love you, and We will both come and live inside of you, which means, you will hear Our living Words within you. If you want the gift of the living words of prophecy, the way to get there is by keeping My written Word in your heart first of all.

"But what has that all got to do with learning how to let You love me?" You might ask. Well, imagine My Words like seeds of love that I would like to implant in your heart. In time they will bring forth fruit in your heart and in your life from Me, but it does take time.

So, basically, all I'm asking you, My love, for right now, is to keep dedicating that precious time of yours to Me, and to let nothing and no one divert you from it. My adversary, the Devil, will try to do all he can to distract you and make your life too busy with this and that and the other that may seem so much more important.

And it may not look that important at first, that seemingly insignificant hour or two you spend with Me now and then. But imagine if somebody came and told you, "Hey, I've got this super investment and business deal: all you have to do is invest an hour or two per week, and you will soon wind up rich and get millions and millions of dollars!"

You would certainly take your time then, right? Or if you would get an hour or two to spend with your favorite movie star or singer...

You see, it all depends on your priorities. True, it takes faith to spend time with someone you can't see, but I've had to do it this way, because if I would show Myself to everybody the way I am, it would not cost them much faith to believe in Me then... There had to be some kind of requirement and test that comes along with it. All I can promise and guarantee you is that you won't be disappointed.

You may think that this or that or the other is certainly worth investing your time in, but I'm here to tell you that whatever you will invest your time in will pale in comparison to the dividends and eternal rewards for every moment of your time you will have given to Me.

Other people may make you promises that if you invest in their cause or buy their product, you'll be the winner, and you just can't lose. Well, what I promise you will result in gains that will last for Eternity, if you believe in them. All your other gains you will make and acquire in life you will have to leave behind when this life is over. But whatever you invest in Me and My personal relationship with you will last forever and bring you dividends that will still remain when all else will have faded and crumbled to dust.

So, do we have a deal? Are you ready to walk this road with Me, and ready to promise some of your time to Me so that I can teach you what life is all about?

Once I have become your teacher and Companion, I will not only be able to tell you in general terms what I would like from you, but I will be able to give you specific instructions from one minute to another. Once you learn how to follow Me in general terms, you will also learn how to see My handwriting and hear My voice in the specific details of your life.

Sorry if there's no shortcut to glory. To be My disciple starts at the same spot for everyone: at the beginning. So, are you willing to walk this path with Me like a little child and believe My Promise that in time you will grow as you sit at My feet and learn from Me?

I have so much more to tell you, if you will only let Me and listen!

I love you. And you can't imagine how thankful I am for you and your desire to love Me back. Looking forward to My next "date" and appointment with you,


5:19 PM

The Art of Letting Go (Message for a Friend)

My dear daughter,
I see your tears, and your desperation, and how hard life is for you. Sometimes it’s hard to believe in a just and loving God with all of the seemingly unjust things I happen to allow, even – or especially in the lives of My loved ones, those who try their best to follow Me.
Well, I will try My best to explain to you why some of the things are the way they are.
First of all you must know that I will never, ever forsake you. You know, just like I asked on the cross, “Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” but found out that He hadn’t really forsaken Me, that He was still there, and so I finally said, “Into Your hands do I commend My Spirit.”
That’s the point to which the Father would like for each of His children to get: the point of letting go and committing our all into His almighty and all-loving hands.
The human tendency is to cling, you know? But the Father wants us to let go of something lesser so that He can give us something better.

It takes trust, because you don’t know what that “something better” is going to be like, and they say, “One bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.”
But the Father says, “Not so, My dear, because what I have in store for you is a lot – really a lot better than the one little bird in your hand you so desperately cling to.”

People always wonder about the story of Abraham and Isaac. How could I demand such a thing of poor Abraham, they wonder, and ask him to kill his one and only son for Me? But you see, it was going to be an example to the world of the sacrifice that the Father was going to make for them in allowing Me, His one and only beloved Son, to be killed as a ransom and sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.
It didn’t make much sense to Abraham. Just as it doesn’t always make much sense what I seem to be asking of you. But Abraham chose to believe that I – and the Father - knew better.

You see, ever since the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve ate of the tree of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, people have thought that they could decide for themselves what is good and what is evil, instead of trusting Me for it, and instead of obeying Me, and when I say, “No, don’t do this, it isn’t good for you,” to obey Me and not do it; or if I say, “This is going to be good for you, even if it may not seem that way for you,” to believe and trust Me and say, “Yes, Lord, I believe You and trust You; that if You say this seemingly bad thing that’s happening to me is going to be good for me, it’s going to be so.”

It’s like the reversal of the curse that Adam and Eve’s unbelief and disobedience brought upon the world.
So, My dear, I need you to have strong faith and trust in Me. That faith and trust you have acquired over the past few years by your faithful study of My Word and committing My Promises to heart, it must be put to use, and put to the test, just as gold is purified in the fire.

I know, the human tendency is to quickly pipe up, “But the fire has been on for a long time now, and it’s getting unbearably hot.” But remember My Promise that I will never allow you to be tempted above that which you are able to bear (1Cor.10:13). Can you trust Me for that, My dear, beloved daughter and bride?

You see, what Abraham in effect was saying was, “Even if God asks me to kill my own beloved son, I will trust in Him.” The same as Job, who said, “Even if He kills me, yet will I trust in Him.”
Can you trust that much?
Can you let go of everything and trust Me that I will hold it for you, and make something much more precious out of it than what you previously had?

For what is your life? It’s but a vapor that’s here a little while and then it’s gone. The best thing you can do with that little vapor is to offer it to Me as incense, as a sacrifice of love, and as a token of faith and trust, as something that you know I have given you, and so you gladly and willingly give it back to Me, knowing that it is only a little seed that must fall into the ground and die in order to bring forth much fruit, or like a caterpillar that must become a cocoon in order to become a beautiful butterfly…

I understand that you are afraid. But you will find out that I am stronger than your fears. And I can only guarantee and promise you that your momentary sufferings are nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in you.

Sometimes people ask, “But why me, Lord? Why did You have to choose me to suffer for you? Why not somebody else?” When perhaps the right question ought to be, “Why not me?” The attitude of every believer should be, “Yes, Lord; take me; do with me as you please, because I’m all Yours any way, You created me and gave me life to begin with, so I trust you with it, to do with it as You best see fit.”

When a child is small, and you roll him a ball, and you want him to roll it back to you, so that you can repeat the game, at first he will not understand and cling to the ball. And that’s how people are: I give them something, and instead of giving it back to Me, they think they must cling to it. But in order to really enjoy the game, you need to “roll the ball” back to Me. And each time you do, I will roll something better your way!

Can you trust Me for that, My dear love? That My love for you is so great and so pure, that no matter what I ask of you, no matter what I ask you to give up for Me, I will always give you something better in return?

Honor Me, My love, by trusting Me. Don’t believe Satan’s input in your heart and mind that would cause you to doubt Me and would make Me look like a liar, like someone who doesn’t keep his promises.
That’s Satan’s job, you know? Trying to get you to doubt My love for you.
But I am here to tell you right now that you haven’t even seen or experienced a fraction of My love yet, compared to all that you will yet experience.
For I will greatly reward every little bit of attention and interest you show Me, and you already have.
I know, in your heart you know, “But it’s so little, compared to what I could have given, or compared to what some other great saints of Yours have done for You.”
But it doesn’t matter to Me, My dear, because on the other hand it’s also so much compared to the little or nothing that so many others give Me, and every little bit of your time and attention means so much for Me: your desire to please Me, to cling to Me, and your need for Me.

You see, contrary to people’s idea of Me, it’s not so that I don’t have need of anybody, just because I am all-powerful. Love – and I am Love – works in such a way that it constantly needs to be needed. It’s give and take, and I need you. I need you to need Me.
And by honoring My desire and My need in admitting that you do need Me, you give Me a deep satisfaction that I will greatly honor and reward you for, that is My holy oath that I swear to you. It’s My wedding oath to you, for you are My bride, and I will always be faithful to you, I will always honor you, bear you in My arms and richly reward and decorate you as a queen.

As little as you may be in your own sight, I have destined you for this purpose: you were born to become a queen! Can you believe that? You will be one of My future queens, helping Me to rule this world in My Kingdom, the way it should have been ruled all along.

You may feel utterly incapable of such a task, but don’t worry, My love, you will be capable! I will make you capable and prove to you yet again that you can do all things through Me Who strengthens you (Phil.4:13).

You see, I only make great kings and rulers out of those who are little or nothing in their own eyes. The less they have, the less they figure they have to lose by giving it back to Me.
So, My love, will you fully honor Me by giving your full trust to Me, and trusting Me with your life, for your child, your future, everything?
Can you fully trust that you are in the best hands, and thus in the best place in the universe you could possibly be? As messy and as unlikely as it may seem, can you trust that your life, the way it is right now, is precisely the best thing that could have happened to you of all the millions of options, in order to make you the best you could possibly become?

People can never figure out why, of all people I have chosen them. But it’s usually because of some relatively small choice they made to begin with: you chose to come back faithfully to attend to My Words and learn from My lips. It may not always have resulted in all your dreams come true, but – can you trust Me for this when I say, it will?
That treasure of the Words from My lips is worth more than all the gold or silver you could possibly accumulate in a life-time, because you will have to leave material treasures behind when you leave this earth, but My treasures are yours to keep forever.

You see, people sometimes underestimate My Words, but they’re actually the stuff that the universe is made out of. And your faith in My Words is the same magic that will enable you to exercise the same creative power that I have, that enabled Me to created the immense universe with its billions of galaxies.

People wonder, why would I have chosen a seemingly insignificant spec of dust like earth, just as they wonder why I would have chosen someone seemingly insignificant like you or them or so many of My other seemingly insignificant servants and handmaidens.
But one day they will see as I see, and what I consider important, and also what I consider good and evil.

Will you trust Me, My love, that I know best which is good and which is evil in your life, and that I will only allow that which is ultimately good for you, even if your present tendency may be to differ?

Thank you! I know you won’t be able to do it with an occasional wavering, but even I was tempted to waver and felt forsaken by the Father, only to find out that I wasn’t and never had been!

He was always there, just like I am – and He is – in your life, even if you may not always be aware of Our Presence.

Can you also say, as I did, “'Into Your hands I commend My Spirit,' my life, my all?" I will not disappoint you, honey, that’s My Promise to you! I swear! I will never leave you nor forsake you! Never, ever. No matter what happens! Okay? I love you.

Any choice or decision regarding any details is nearly irrelevant compared to your choice to trust Me fully with your life and commit it all into My hands in full trust and confidence.
One day you will realize that nothing else really mattered in your life, compared to the importance of My Presence in it, My involvement in it, and your decision to trust Me.

I am always faithful, even if you are faithless. I cannot deny Myself. I cannot break My Word, My Promise, My holy oath to you. I can never fail, and I won’t fail you!
Come into My arms and find here all the comfort and love and warmth you ever yearned for! I will never let you down. I only draw you closer to Me, My future queen! Don’t see it as a burden, but as the priceless privilege that it is. Nor say, “But I am not worthy.” Trust Me that I know better than you in this aspect, too.

Let Me make of you that which I best see fit. Can you truly say, as I did, “Not my will, but Thy will be done?” I hope so, My dear, and I trust that you will.